EPA Orientation Program
Environmental Performance Agreement on Tin Stabilizer

Welcome to the Vinyl Institute of Canada’s orientation website for the Environmental Performance Agreement on Tin Stabilizer. This site was developed by industry members of the Vinyl Institute of Canada, with valued input from our partners in the Industrial Plastics and Chemicals Unit at Environment and Climate Change Canada. The training materials at this site are openly available to all users of tin stabilizers in Canada, irrespective of their affiliations or membership status.

Since the early 2000’s the Canadian vinyl industry has worked collaboratively and diligently to support the federal government’s position regarding the aquatic toxicity of tin stabilizer. When a 2007 follow-up risk assessment from Environment Canada concluded that effective handling practices, if put in place, could minimize tin stabilizer releases to a level of no concern, the vinyl industry took action.

To meet this challenge, members of the industry developed a guideline for the management of tin stabilizers in Canada, following which, they also formalized an agreement with the government for the guideline’s implementation and verification processes. Today, The Vinyl Institute of Canada is administrator and coordinator of that program, and manages it jointly with Environment and Climate Change Canada.

The inspiration for this website evolved from a desire to provide a training resource that would support the efforts of applicable facilities in educating their employees and stakeholders in the requirements of the Agreement. And while we hope facilities will make full use of the training modules provided, users are cautioned that the information contained is suitable for awareness training purposes only. It is not intended as a replacement for the site-specific training that facilities must provide internally to their employees, as part of their individual implementation efforts.

Thank you for visiting our orientation site and for your interest in the Environmental Performance Agreement on Tin Stabilizer. We trust you will find the information useful and your time here worthwhile.

Aiñe Curran

President & CEO

Get Started

Disclaimer: The VIC EPA Orientation program is neither an accredited nor an official or certified training program and is strictly for informational purposes only, to assist facilities in orienting employees who will be involved in the management of tin stabilizer at the facility. The EPA Orientation program does not and will not replace, take priority of, or substitute in any way, training on the Management of Tin Stabilizer already in place which is developed and provided by EPA participating facility. Training on tin stabilizer management in any vinyl/pvc facility is the sole responsibility of the participating facility. The VIC Orientation online program is a supporting resource only.

  1. In order to obtain a username and password for access to the training modules, please contact the Vinyl Institute of Canada at EPA_Questions@vinylinstituteofcanada.com. Please provide your full name and company/facility name. Please note, the EPA Orientation training is intended for EPA Participants. If you are not an EPA Participant, please provide a reason for requesting access to the training.
  2. Scroll down and click on the module you would like to start with.
  3. Review the key reference documents.
  4. Click on the “Go to Course” button.
  5. Enter your username and password using the login button on the top right of the screen.
  6. You may move through the modules at your own pace. There is a knowledge check at the end of each module to ensure you have understood the information covered. Once you have successfully completed a module, a certificate of completion will be emailed to you.
  7. If you have any questions or comments, please contact EPA_Questions@vinylinstituteofcanada.com.